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·  1959.  Starts to study music, at the age of 5, at Conservatorio Thibaud-Piazzini in Buenos Aires, his hometown.

·  1968. Degree: Advanced Professor on Music Theory and Solfège and Advanced Piano Professor. Top qualifications obtained.

·  1969.  Starts to study organ with Professor Alberto Mercanti.

Received scholarships to be an active student in the following advanced courses:

· 1974. 2nd  International Master Course on Organ (San Juan, Argentina), by Professor Gertrud Mersiovsky (Munich, Germany). Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan, Goethe Institute and National Fund for the Arts.

· 1975. 8thº International Music Course, by several teachers (Curitiba, Brazil). Organ Teacher: Gertrud Mersiovsky. Scholarship granted by the Education and Culture State Secretariat of Curitiba, Brazil.

·  1975. 1stº National Organ Festival (San Juan, Argentina) organized by professors Mario Videla and Héctor Zeoli (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan.

·  1977. 3rdº National Organ Festival (San Juan, Argentina) organized by Professor Adelma Gómez (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan.

·  1978. Advanced Seminar for Organists “Development of Polyphony in Organ Music” (Buenos Aires, Argentina) by Professor Wiltrud Fuchs (Dusseldorf, Germany). Scholarship granted by Goethe Institute and Sacred Music Institute (Buenos Aires).

·  1979. 3rdº National Organ Course (San Juan, Argentina) by Professor Ricardo Miravet (Paris, France). Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan and the Culture National State Secretariat.

·  1980. 4thº National Organ Course “French Music in the XVI to XVIII centuries” (San Juan, Argentina) by Professor Adelma Gómez. Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan.

·  1981. International Organ Seminar “Spanish Music for the Organ” (Buenos Aires, Argentina) by Professor Montserrat Torrent (Barcelona, Spain).

· 1983. International Organ Course (San Juan, Argentina) by professors Edgar Krapp (Germany) “Registration in Bach and Period Organs” and Renzo Buja (Italy) “The Italian Organ: performance and registration in Frescobaldi’s works”. Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan, Goethe Institute and the Italian Embassy.

·  1984. International Organ Course “Organ Music in the XVIII Century: the schools of Aragon, France and north Germany” (San Juan, Argentina) by Professor Ricardo Miravet. Scholarship granted by National University of San Juan and the Alliance Francaise.


· Concerts as soloist at Curitiba (Brazil), San Juan Auditorium (Argentina), La Plata Cathedral (Argentina)  and many churches in Buenos Aires, Argentina, such as Basílica del Santísimo Sacramento, Basílica del Santísimo Rosario (Santo Domingo convent), Basílica del Sagrado Corazón, Basílica de La Merced, German Protestant Church, Metropolitan Cathedral, Anglican Cathedral, etc.

·  Concerts as member of instrumental groups (Symphonic Federal Police Orchestra, Youth National Radio Orchestra, several chamber groups) and choir groups (National Polyphonic Choir, Lagun Onak, School of Agronomics Choir, Alliance Francaise Choir , Cantoría Lugano, etc.).

·  Performance broadcasting by National Radio and Rivadavia Radio (program: “Performers”).

·  Jury for the competitions “The young organist” organized by Fundación Cultural Promúsica.

·  1983-1986. Organist at the Youth National Radio Orchestra.

·  1979-2000. Organist and arranger for the Symphonic Federal Police Orchestra.

·  1976-2010. Organist at the Basílica del Santísimo Sacramento.

​Carlos Cappellaro is a fine Argentine organist able to "reproduce images which make the listener's spirit vibrate with strong emotion"; "a musician with an imaginative mentality" "whose recreational spirit reached a remarkable trascendence." (*)


​(*) LA PRENSA newspaper, December 24th 1987

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